Dec 072013

Here it is, plain and simple: NLP is easy to learn!

Many people become interested in learning NLP for various reasons. For some it’s personal development or healing; for some it’s to sharpen their coaching, therapy, teaching, leadership or public speaking skills; for some it´s an exploration of what makes us tick as humans and what extends our potential; for some it´s to gain powerful skills that can be used to influence and persuade others.

What motivates people to learn NLP could be anything, which means that unethical people may see opportunities in this, and therein lies the reason why so many NLP ‘Experts’ are not in alignment with and working according to the NLP Presuppositions.

Technician or Practitioner/Trainer?

Since NLP is easy to learn, anyone can become a NLP technician. A NLP technician is someone who Continue reading »

 Posted by at 12:45 pm
Oct 292013

Several advanced NLP processes address the underlying causes of emotional issues, stress reactions, relationship problems, and limiting beliefs. For many, the NLP Re-Imprint Method is the most effective approach when it comes to healing and releasing the issues that have “roots” in our past.

We are all imprinted with core learnings from our major life experiences. Intensely emotional events have the deepest imprint in our consciousness and especially those during the first few years of our life (including life in our mother’s womb and the trauma associated with birth). Imprints form the beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world, which shape our personality and identity. Unless they are healed and released, our imprints will act as templates for how we respond to subsequent experiences. What we most routinely attract into our life as well as our automatic behaviours are the result of what we’ve been imprinted with.

In this video Jevon Dängeli teaches and demonstrates an updated version of the original Reimprinting technique that was co-created by Robert Dilts and Timothy Leary.

You will learn how to elicit the root cause of an issue with precision, including a safe and swift process of regression, as well as the means to heal and release the issue at the onset of its existence. This process facilitates the integration of new perceptions and new meanings of the past events that control our present thoughts, feelings and actions, thereby enabling us to be more empowered and resourceful in the present.

If you seek greater understanding about why you are the way you are in challenging situations, as well as how to cultivate complete acceptance and forgiveness so that you can free yourself from limiting imprints, this video will show you how —

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 Posted by at 8:55 am
Oct 272013

In this video you will learn how to free yourself and others from outdated modes of thinking, unwanted feelings and limiting behaviours.

Professional Coaches and NLP Practitioners will gain a powerful and versatile model that can be used to help all clients achieve fulfilling results. This approach facilitates what Hypnotherapy methods are designed to do – bring about changes in the unconscious mind, but it does so without any hypnotic inductions and in a conversational manner. The HNLP Coaching model is essentially a dynamic way of coaching the unconscious mind – which is the realm of consciousness that controls all our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This coaching model is therefore the method of choice when it comes to facilitating rapid and sustainable change.

The basic steps of the HNLP Coaching model that you will learn in this video integrate the NLP Collapsing Anchors process into a coaching dialog and eliminate the need to establish Kinaesthetic Anchors in the intervention (as taught in traditional NLP Practitioner trainings), making it suitable in all coaching contexts.

Anchors are triggers in our external environment that provoke certain states and behaviours. When negative states and behaviours are triggered then we react in unresourceful and destructive ways toward ourselves and others. In order to perform your best, you want to begin by dealing with any obstacles and interferences that prevent you from achieving your desired results. This means transforming the meaning that you give to your triggers so that they no longer affect you in any unwanted way. Most of our unwanted behaviours are triggered below the level of our conscious awareness, which is why trying to change an unwanted behaviour or reaction without addressing its underlying belief and trigger usually results in failure. The HNLP Coach model will show you how to elicit and change the effect of those “Evil Anchors” in life.

You can look forward to responding with greater equanimity, mindfulness and resourcefulness in all situations that used to challenge you.

For more information about the HNLP Coach model, click here.

Watch the video:

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 Posted by at 8:35 pm
Oct 262013
Would you like to get along better with someone that you spend time with?
Would you like to understand the important people in your life better?
Would you like a way to more easily overcome relationship hurts?
Would you like to be able to stand up to anyone and speak from a more objective perspective?
In this video Jevon teaches a profound way to empower any relationship. This form of relationship empowerment enables you to respond to others with understanding and compassion. The result is an ability to communicate openly, make wise choices and to take necessary actions.
Whether it’s your relationship with an intimate partner that needs flair, a relationship with a family member that needs healing, or your professional relationship with an associate that needs better functionality, in this video you will learn how to achieve this.
Jevon teaches the NLP approach to achieving a multi-perceptual stand-point and demonstrates how in one session you can feel and perform better in relation to others. You will learn a powerful self coaching skill that is easy to apply for immediate results.
The approach taught and demonstrated in this video also serves as an effective way to accept and let go of a painful experience in relation to someone else. For example, you will learn how to use this approach also for the purpose of overcoming the mental and emotional trauma that is associated with abuse, resulting in being able to forgive and move on.
Watch now:
 Posted by at 11:34 am
Oct 222013

In this video Jevon Dangeli teaches and demonstrates how to help someone overcome a phobia or traumatic experience.

You will learn the NLP technique known as Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation (also known as the Fast Phobia Cure and Rewind Technique).

V-K Dissociation helps to eliminate the effects of traumatic memories. It can be deeply healing for individuals who suffer from PTSD, with results being both rapid and sustainable. Intense fear of people, animals, objects or situations that are not harmful or dangerous (know as a phobia) is most often easily treated with this technique.

Please note that in this video the technique is being taught at a NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Training where the course participants learn how to apply it in a coaching or therapy context. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of V-K Dissociation read this article: How to get rid of phobias and trauma using NLP (this is the V-K Dissociation outline referred to in the video).

6 months after the demonstration in this video, the client gave the following feedback:
“Thank you! I feel free from the unnecessary barriers my phobia had created in my life. It’s a whole new chapter for me, where it no longer occupies my mind the way it did before. It was an “uplifting” experience. It is true that one never knows how far a change will go. Thank you once again for this experience.”

IMPORTANT: V-K Dissociation is an advanced NLP technique and should be applied only by qualified NLP Practitioners who are experienced therapists or coaches.

For information about where you can learn the V-K Dissociation and other powerful healing, coaching and therapeutic techniques, please visit our course page.


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 Posted by at 8:31 pm
Oct 142013

Research suggests that the Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique from the field of NLP is an effective approach to healing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

According to the National Health Service, PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events, for example:

  • military combat
  • serious road accidents
  • terrorist attacks
  • natural disasters, such as severe floods, earthquakes or tsunamis
  • being held hostage
  • witnessing violent deaths
  • violent personal assaults, such as sexual assault, mugging or robbery
  • any situation where a person feels extreme fear, horror or helplessness

PTSD can develop immediately after someone experiences a disturbing event or it can occur weeks, months or even years later. Wikipedia published that the diagnosis may be given when a group of symptoms such as disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of memories of the event, and hyperarousal (high levels of anxiety) continue for more than a month after the traumatic event.

What are the signs of PTSD? Continue reading »

 Posted by at 5:05 pm
Oct 072013

Anchoring is one of NLP’s most powerful and versatile set of techniques.

In this video you’ll learn how to get yourself (or others) into a feel good or high performance state anywhere, anytime.

Anchors are “handles” that allow one to capture, stabilize and reproduce a particular state. Anchors enable coaches and therapists to work in the here and now, as opposed to talking about experiences or using regression, which may lead to insight, but not actual change. In general, Anchoring is used to help people restructure their internal experience.

Once you’ve watched this video, you’ll be able to establish a confidence Anchor for when you need to perform a challenging task, or a good mood Anchor for when you feel down, or a relaxation Anchor to counter stress, etc.

Anchoring works wonders! Enjoy this fun and crazy presentation by Jevon.

After watching the video, if you want learn more about Anchoring and the steps to setting a Resource State Anchor, then read Jevon’s article – How to ANCHOR Resourceful States.

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 Posted by at 11:41 am
Oct 052013
Parts Integration – The NLP technique for internal conflict resolution
Learn NLP’s popular Parts Integration technique – a useful skill to overcome ‘bad habits’, indecision, procrastination and all sorts of internal conflicts.
Emotional experiences throughout life, and especially during the early imprint years can result in the creation of Parts in the unconscious mind. These Parts generate their own values and beliefs, and are responsible for certain behaviours. Overwhelming feelings and reactions, as well as out of control behaviours are the result of ‘Conflicting Parts’.
The NLP Parts Integration technique creates harmony between Parts of the unconscious mind, so that their values are in alignment. A person with ‘Integrated Parts’ is more congruent, empowered and clear in their decisions and actions
Watch Jevon Dangeli teach and demonstrate Parts Integration at a live NLP training in this video.
aPart from this video, remember – you’re more than the sum of your Parts.


 Posted by at 9:58 am
Oct 042013
HOW you think determines your experience of reality (and how you respond to it) far more that WHAT you think!
NLP provides you with the skills to decode the way each individual creates their personal perspectives each moment. In this video Jevon teaches you these skills. You will discover how your mind unconsciously gives all your experiences meaning. You will realise why you (and others) react (or don’t react) the way you do in certain situations. You will learn the structure of thinking and how to change the quality of your thoughts at the level where it counts for sustainable results.
In this video you are introduced to the operating system of your mind, known as “Submodalities”. You will learn how to update your mind’s operating system using the NLP Map Across technique.
Changing the HOW you think so that you can have the experience that you want, has never been easier, or more fun!
Update your thinking, update your life!

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 Posted by at 5:27 am
Oct 032013
How our programming determines our reality

This video introduces the NLP Communication Model. You will learn how we take information from the outside world into our neurology and how that in turn affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Our unique neurological filters delete, distort and generalise everything we see, hear, feel, smell and taste to create the thoughts which determine our emotions and subsequent actions. Therefore, the reality that we experience is largely determined by what we do inside our heads.

Our experiences throughout life, including our birth, upbringing, social conditioning, education, religion, culture, etc, are what create our neurological filters. This means that everyone experiences any given situation differently.

Knowledge about the NLP Communication Model along with the application of NLP approaches enables people to ‘run their own minds’. More fulfillment in life is achievable when we are less affected by external circumstances, through gaining control of our internal processes. This leads to mental freedom, empowered responses, and mindful interactions with others.

Watch now:

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 Posted by at 9:49 pm