Oct 072013

Anchoring is one of NLP’s most powerful and versatile set of techniques.

In this video you’ll learn how to get yourself (or others) into a feel good or high performance state anywhere, anytime.

Anchors are “handles” that allow one to capture, stabilize and reproduce a particular state. Anchors enable coaches and therapists to work in the here and now, as opposed to talking about experiences or using regression, which may lead to insight, but not actual change. In general, Anchoring is used to help people restructure their internal experience.

Once you’ve watched this video, you’ll be able to establish a confidence Anchor for when you need to perform a challenging task, or a good mood Anchor for when you feel down, or a relaxation Anchor to counter stress, etc.

Anchoring works wonders! Enjoy this fun and crazy presentation by Jevon.

After watching the video, if you want learn more about Anchoring and the steps to setting a Resource State Anchor, then read Jevon’s article – How to ANCHOR Resourceful States.

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 Posted by at 11:41 am
Oct 052013
Parts Integration – The NLP technique for internal conflict resolution
Learn NLP’s popular Parts Integration technique – a useful skill to overcome ‘bad habits’, indecision, procrastination and all sorts of internal conflicts.
Emotional experiences throughout life, and especially during the early imprint years can result in the creation of Parts in the unconscious mind. These Parts generate their own values and beliefs, and are responsible for certain behaviours. Overwhelming feelings and reactions, as well as out of control behaviours are the result of ‘Conflicting Parts’.
The NLP Parts Integration technique creates harmony between Parts of the unconscious mind, so that their values are in alignment. A person with ‘Integrated Parts’ is more congruent, empowered and clear in their decisions and actions
Watch Jevon Dangeli teach and demonstrate Parts Integration at a live NLP training in this video.
aPart from this video, remember – you’re more than the sum of your Parts.


 Posted by at 9:58 am
Oct 042013
HOW you think determines your experience of reality (and how you respond to it) far more that WHAT you think!
NLP provides you with the skills to decode the way each individual creates their personal perspectives each moment. In this video Jevon teaches you these skills. You will discover how your mind unconsciously gives all your experiences meaning. You will realise why you (and others) react (or don’t react) the way you do in certain situations. You will learn the structure of thinking and how to change the quality of your thoughts at the level where it counts for sustainable results.
In this video you are introduced to the operating system of your mind, known as “Submodalities”. You will learn how to update your mind’s operating system using the NLP Map Across technique.
Changing the HOW you think so that you can have the experience that you want, has never been easier, or more fun!
Update your thinking, update your life!

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 Posted by at 5:27 am
Oct 032013
How our programming determines our reality

This video introduces the NLP Communication Model. You will learn how we take information from the outside world into our neurology and how that in turn affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Our unique neurological filters delete, distort and generalise everything we see, hear, feel, smell and taste to create the thoughts which determine our emotions and subsequent actions. Therefore, the reality that we experience is largely determined by what we do inside our heads.

Our experiences throughout life, including our birth, upbringing, social conditioning, education, religion, culture, etc, are what create our neurological filters. This means that everyone experiences any given situation differently.

Knowledge about the NLP Communication Model along with the application of NLP approaches enables people to ‘run their own minds’. More fulfillment in life is achievable when we are less affected by external circumstances, through gaining control of our internal processes. This leads to mental freedom, empowered responses, and mindful interactions with others.

Watch now:

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 Posted by at 9:49 pm
Nov 192012

In this video you will discover why positive thinking does not work, and what does work!

Trying to think positive thoughts when you’re not feeling positive is like trying to find sanctuary in a grass hut when there’s a hurricane. Strong negative emotions are far more powerful than ‘wishy-washy’ positive thinking.

Superimposing positive thoughts is not sustainable. In fact, positive thinking is a natural by-product when you’re being an authentic and honest human being.

Similarly, any attempt to use will power over strong emotional urges or reactions, is futile. Will power is useful in order to act on something, but it cannot override the unconscious programming that drives all our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Fortunately there is a way to effectively update your unconscious mind’s programming. NLP Submodality techniques enable rapid and sustainable change in the way you perceive your experience. These techniques provide people with simple yet powerful ways to take control of our responses to all types of situations. Therefore they are used broadly in order to overcome unwanted reactions, addictions, motivation issues, health problems, as well as limiting beliefs.

Filmed at one of our live NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Trainings, this short video teaches the basics so that anyone young or old can apply a NLP Submodality technique to never again be effected by the thoughts that get in the way of the results that you’d like to experience.

You’ll see Jevon Dängeli demonstrate the technique’s effectiveness, and you’ll immediately understand why positive thoughts alone cannot provide you with fulfilling results. Discover how you can be in the driving seat of your mind.

 Posted by at 6:48 am
Oct 242012

In this video you are introduced to the art of multi-level communication. This skill enables you to quickly establish rapport with anyone, even hyper-active children (for the purpose understanding them and being understood by them).

Rapport is essential for NLP techniques to be effective in the coaching, therapy and leadership contexts.

This video is a live cut from one of our NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Trainings.

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 Posted by at 2:28 pm