Oct 222013

In this video Jevon Dangeli teaches and demonstrates how to help someone overcome a phobia or traumatic experience.

You will learn the NLP technique known as Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation (also known as the Fast Phobia Cure and Rewind Technique).

V-K Dissociation helps to eliminate the effects of traumatic memories. It can be deeply healing for individuals who suffer from PTSD, with results being both rapid and sustainable. Intense fear of people, animals, objects or situations that are not harmful or dangerous (know as a phobia) is most often easily treated with this technique.

Please note that in this video the technique is being taught at a NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Training where the course participants learn how to apply it in a coaching or therapy context. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of V-K Dissociation read this article: How to get rid of phobias and trauma using NLP (this is the V-K Dissociation outline referred to in the video).

6 months after the demonstration in this video, the client gave the following feedback:
“Thank you! I feel free from the unnecessary barriers my phobia had created in my life. It’s a whole new chapter for me, where it no longer occupies my mind the way it did before. It was an “uplifting” experience. It is true that one never knows how far a change will go. Thank you once again for this experience.”

IMPORTANT: V-K Dissociation is an advanced NLP technique and should be applied only by qualified NLP Practitioners who are experienced therapists or coaches.

For information about where you can learn the V-K Dissociation and other powerful healing, coaching and therapeutic techniques, please visit our course page.


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