
Jun 022013

NLP Coaching includes the basic goal of traditional coaching, which in a nut shell is the formation of a partnership that helps people produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional life.

To get powerful, rapid and lasting results in coaching, it is essential that the methods employed reach and influence the unconscious (subconscious) mind. The unconscious mind houses the emotions, imagination, memory, habits and intuition. It also regulates our autonomic body functions. It is the very core or essence of how we experience ourselves and the world. Most, if not all issues like motivation, procrastination, indecision, conflicting priorities, overwhelm, performance anxiety, fear, and burnout are a result of automatic (unconscious) reactions and patterns. Meaningful development and transformation in coaching, results from a shift in the unconscious mind. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 7:29 pm
Nov 192012

In this video you will discover why positive thinking does not work, and what does work!

Trying to think positive thoughts when you’re not feeling positive is like trying to find sanctuary in a grass hut when there’s a hurricane. Strong negative emotions are far more powerful than ‘wishy-washy’ positive thinking.

Superimposing positive thoughts is not sustainable. In fact, positive thinking is a natural by-product when you’re being an authentic and honest human being.

Similarly, any attempt to use will power over strong emotional urges or reactions, is futile. Will power is useful in order to act on something, but it cannot override the unconscious programming that drives all our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Fortunately there is a way to effectively update your unconscious mind’s programming. NLP Submodality techniques enable rapid and sustainable change in the way you perceive your experience. These techniques provide people with simple yet powerful ways to take control of our responses to all types of situations. Therefore they are used broadly in order to overcome unwanted reactions, addictions, motivation issues, health problems, as well as limiting beliefs.

Filmed at one of our live NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Trainings, this short video teaches the basics so that anyone young or old can apply a NLP Submodality technique to never again be effected by the thoughts that get in the way of the results that you’d like to experience.

You’ll see Jevon Dängeli demonstrate the technique’s effectiveness, and you’ll immediately understand why positive thoughts alone cannot provide you with fulfilling results. Discover how you can be in the driving seat of your mind.

 Posted by at 6:48 am
Nov 122012

Triggers are the things that initiate thoughts, feelings and behaviours. There are triggers that boost performance and triggers that cause us to perform less than optimally.

In order to perform your best, you want to begin by dealing with any obstacles and interferences that prevent you from achieving your desired results. This means becoming aware of the triggers that get you down and changing their effect into more resourceful responses.

Most of our unwanted behaviours are triggered below the level of our conscious awareness, which is why trying to change an unwanted behaviour or reaction without addressing its underlying belief and trigger usually results in failure. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 7:05 am
Nov 082012

Jevon Dängeli’s ambitious title of this book – The User Manual for Your Mind & Your Life clearly states what you will have by reading it and doing the exercises. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP for short) offers not just what you should do to be happier and more effective in life, it provides specific how to’s for accomplishing what it is that you’d like to achieve. It is the kind of book you can keep and refer back to for helpful solutions to your life’s problems as they arise.

Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychiatrist who contributed so much to the field of psychology, once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Coaching yourself implies that you are indeed examining your life and are taking charge of your life experience. In Jevon’s chapter on Everyday Heaven and Hell, he explains what the “unconscious mind” is all about and how Heaven is living consciously and Hell is living unconsciously. This book will help with that as well.

In my 25 plus years of teaching people Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I have often been asked, “Can you do NLP processes on your own issues by yourself?” This easy to read book will help you do exactly that. Jevon has identified a number of issues that we all face and has compiled explicit NLP methods you can employ to “coach yourself” and resolve them. You will discover how to identify and develop your goals so they are achievable and likely to occur.

You will learn how to deal with challenging issues that are easily found by topical titles in the book. These include how to resolve problem memories that trouble you, fears and phobias that hinder you, making boring or unpleasant things you must do more fun, how to eliminate unhealthy cravings and much, much, more. Some NLP Processes have been scrutinized scientifically with great results. For example, Continue reading »

 Posted by at 10:32 am
Oct 242012

In this video you are introduced to the art of multi-level communication. This skill enables you to quickly establish rapport with anyone, even hyper-active children (for the purpose understanding them and being understood by them).

Rapport is essential for NLP techniques to be effective in the coaching, therapy and leadership contexts.

This video is a live cut from one of our NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Trainings.

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 Posted by at 2:28 pm
Oct 242012

Learn the ins and outs of providing your NLP or coaching service over the phone or Skype.
Phone coaching is just as effective as face-to-face coaching, and maybe even more effective sometimes – when you know how!

In this seminar recording and its accompanying notes, Jevon provides you with valuable insights and skills to coach people anywhere in the world – conveniently.

As a Coach, adding phone coaching to your service may be the difference that makes the difference to your clients, as well as to your bottom line.
Listen now, click play below:

[pro-player width=’200′ height=’100′ type=’sound’][/pro-player]

Once you have listened to this seminar, feel free to download an overview of the notes for this seminar that are provided to participants of our Wellness Coach Training.

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 Posted by at 10:44 am