The User Manual For Your Mind & Your Life
FOREWORD by Tim Hallbom
This complete self coaching resource provides you with the knowledge of how your mind works, the skills to take control of your mental and emotional processes, and the ability to perform the kinds of actions that lead with greater ease to the results that you want.
These days any gadget comes with a comprehensive user manual in multiple languages, so here is your personal user manual for optimal functioning in this day and age.
In these high-tech and fast pace times, humans have become more complex than ever before. Greater complexity is probably useful in order to survive and to thrive in the modern world, but therein lies the challenge for many people today. More complex lifestyles have given rise to more complex challenges, resulting in more complications in life. The solutions to yesterday’s complications are not as useful today.
“Jevon does not believe it is always easy to change, but from his deep conviction he advises on ways to reprogram your deep seated belief systems. And he gets the bigger picture…the one where all is interconnected and interdependent. Sometimes his solutions might look simplistically easy…that’s why you should give them a try next time your thoughts are dragging you down.”
-Dr. Denis Allard, Belgium-
People need a way of lifting themselves above the smoke clouds that have been caused by their own mental exhaust fumes. The thinking that created our brain smog is not the kind of thought process that can be used to clear it. A new paradigm of thought is required. Skills to transcend our normal thought patterns are necessary if we want to uplift ourselves to new levels of joy, creativity and productivity.
If we don’t take control of our minds now, then there’s no telling where we might land up, and the result may be a life lived like a child in a dark room – clumsy and fearful. Showing that child where the light switch is, how to switch it on, as well as how to enjoy things more both inside and outside that room is what this book is about.
“This insightful book provides you with a profound understanding of how to get your mind working for you instead of against you.”
-Jana Allmrodt, Germany-
This uplifting and easy to read resource is for anyone who wants to learn Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology™ (HNLP) for the purpose of enhancing their personal and professional effectiveness. It provides you with the resources to maximize your potential in all areas of your life.
The User Manual For Your Mind teaches you practical NLP & HNLP methodologies to deal effectively with all types of stressful challenges. It includes references to relevant (free) NLP Training videos, so that all concepts and techniques can be learned easily and thoroughly. 210 pages.
“A great introduction to NLP & HNLP with lots of step-by-step practical exercises.”
-David Gilks, Australia-
“Jevon has demystified why and how NLP works with practical applications at the end of each lesson. This book is filled with useful lessons that will not only give you an understanding of NLP but how to use it for creating positive change.”
-Terrick Romer, South Africa-
It’s my passion and purpose to share this life empowering material with people. I know it will enable you to get more out of yourself and more out of life. Like any skill, the application of what you will get from this book proves its effectiveness, so use it, and discover the difference that makes the difference all for yourself.
“NLP is the fastest and most powerful vehicle for personal change in existence!”
-Psychology Today Magazine-
FOREWORD by Tim Hallbom
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